Professional Services

Our Services

  • Consultations with future graduate students (for advice and support on the application and enrollment processes)
  •  Consultations with current graduate students (for advice and support navigating challenging situations with faculty, lab/classmates, administration, etc)
  • Advising for Graduate Student Associations
  • Consultations with Graduate School staff (for advice/support related to orientation, diversity, and professional development programming)
  • Consultations with faculty (for advice/support dealing with challenging student situations)

Our Philosophy

Having the right graduate advisor – one who is able to listen to and understand the needs of the individual and their unique situation – is essential to academic success. McAnulty and her team have extensive experience and training, and a proven track record. Their focus always remains where it should – on the well-being of the student.

Our focus:


Our Approach



We refer to our strategy as the “To and Through” approach, which encompasses individual support and assistance navigating TO graduate school and THROUGH the entire graduate school journey.


Searching and applying for graduate programs can be overwhelming, along with preparing for on-campus interviews/visits.  We’re here to help!


But we also recognize that acceptance into a program is only the first step.  We remain on hand to offer academic and emotional support, including recommendations for resolving advisor conflicts and other lab or class challenges.  We are also available to advise student leaders as they juggle service, teaching, and/or research.


Each student and situation is different. We will meet you wherever you are in your journey.